AFSA Board 2024 to 2027
AFSA is currently managed by the first elected Board of AFSA and announced at the Annual General Meeting held in Kigali, Rwanda, on 26 September 2024.
AFSA​ Board of Executive

Dr Antonel OLCKERS

Vice President

Dr Marise HEYNS
Treasurer & Compliance

Dr Marise HEYNS
Treasurer & Compliance
I hold the portfolios of Treasurer and Compliance on the AFSA Board, and as Treasurer, I assist in all
matters relating to the financial control of the Academy, as well as the finances for compliance. This
includes oversight of all income and expenditure and maintenance of the Academy’s bank accounts.
For Compliance, I am responsible for all regulatory requirements of our registration in the country of
domicile, including tax, laws and reporting. I completed a MBA at University of Stellenbosch Business
School, graduating cum laude as the top student, which is invaluable in this portfolio.
I joined Ulster University Medical School in 2021 as Senior Lecturer in Anatomy, a discipline in which I
have more than 25 years of experience in teaching and research. As an academic, I have experience
of teaching several Forensic Science disciplines, to develop and supervise research projects, and to
develop associated curricula. I have trained and taught Forensic Science for all levels of practitioners,
and I have particular experience of standards for international accreditation. I am also a Forensic
Practitioner, with experience in Crime Scenes and Forensic Entomology and Taphonomy. I was the
driving force behind the highly successful Biomedical Forensic Science programmes at University of
Cape Town, and worked closely with the Forensic Pathologists in one of the busiest mortuaries in
South Africa. I also established CapeFORTE within the Forensic Entomology Unit at UCT, a laboratory
that offers specialised forensic entomological and taphonomic analysis services to the Western Cape
Forensic Pathology Services, providing valuable information on Post Mortem Interval and the
circumstances surrounding death in cases where individuals are in a state of decomposition or the
remains skeletonised. I am also a Founding Director of SAAFS, the South African Academy of Forensic
Sciences, which is the only learned society that represents forensic science practitioners in South

Dr Adeyemi Daniel ADETIMEHIN
Resource Mobilization

Dr Adeyemi Daniel ADETIMEHIN
Resource Mobilization
I obtained my BSc (Hons) in Animal and Environmental Biology from the University of
Benin, Nigeria in 2016 where I graduated with a First-Class Honors. I completed my
PhD in 2023, specializing in Forensic Entomology and Taphonomy at the Division of
Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Department of Pathology, University of Cape Town,
South Africa. Generally, my research interests lie in forensic entomology, carrion
decomposition ecology, application of forensic entomological and taphonomical
evidence in cause and time-since-death estimations, integrated pest management and
biological control of invasive alien species. As an early career scientist, I have
authored/co-authored 14 peer-reviewed scientific publications and have presented 15
scientific papers in national and International scientific conferences. I am a recipient
of multiple awards/scholarships including the University of Cape Town’s Research
Committee (URC) Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, PDOC Biomedical Engin
Gibbon Postdoctoral Award, National Research Foundation Grant-holder Student-
linked Scholarship, German Academic Exchange (DAAD) Scholarship amongst
others. As part of my passion for capacity development and social responsiveness, I
am frequently involved in several community outreach initiatives where I introduce high
school learners, and students, alongside their teachers and parents to the roles of
insects in medico-legal death investigations. Also, I am involved in the training and
capacity development of undergraduate and graduate students specifically in the
identification of forensically important flies and their overall importance in medico-legal
investigations alongside the development of research methodologies, survey designs,
research data collection, analysis and visualization.

Organisational Development
Mr Anthony WALLY
Support Officer