African Forensic Sciences Academy

AFSA Code of Conduct

AFSA Code of Conduct

This code was endorsed by the Executive* of the African Forensic Sciences Academy (AFSA)
and shall be followed by all members of AFSA, irrespective of membership category, to promote
the highest quality of professional and personal conduct of its members in line with AFSA’s
vision of excellence and integrity in Forensic Science in Africa. Members shall:

  1. Not misrepresent (their own or another’s) qualifications, education, training, experience, competence, or area of expertise.
  2. Restrict their professional services and comments to their own area/s of expertise.
  3. Clearly distinguish professional comments (based on science) from personal opinions (based on personal views).
  4. Refrain from providing any misrepresentation of data or results upon which an expert opinion or conclusion is based, and conclusions and statements of members should be as unbiased as possible.
  5. Take responsibility for the scientific rigor and integrity of their work.
  6. Keep accurate and clear records of their work in such a manner as to allow verification of such work by others.
  7. Disclose potential conflicts of interest.
  8. Conduct themselves in an honourable manner that is in line with the best interests, goals and purposes of AFSA.
  9. Not issue public statements which appear to represent the position of AFSA without first obtaining written permission from the Executive of AFSA, or its mandated representative.
  10. State their membership category in full, when disclosing their AFSA membership, e.g. as follows: Full member of AFSA in Biology.
  11. Abide by the procedures and guidelines on the subject of professional conduct as prescribed by the Executive of AFSA.
  12. Bring to the attention of the Executive of AFSA, any violation of this Code of Conduct by an AFSA member.
  13. Keep information related to AFSA confidential, where appropriate.
  14. Adhere to any national legislative prescripts and to the stipulations and spirit of the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity, when conducting research.
  15. Embrace the core values of AFSA: excellence; transparency; integrity and ethical practice; independence and impartiality; inclusion, diversity, and equality.

Please note:
AFSA reserves the right to expel members who do not act in accordance with this Code of
Conduct or who are deemed, by the Executive of AFSA, to bring AFSA into disrepute by their

Terminology is clarified as follows:
In line with the ISO 17025:2017 standard, the following terms will have the meanings stated

  1. Shall         –       Indicates a requirement
  2. Should     –       Indicates a recommendation
  3. May          –       Indicates a permission
  4. Can           –       Indicates a possibility or capability