AFSA Membership
Membership in AFSA is applied for by individual members and approved by the membership committee. Several categories exist and are outlined below. A right and/or privilege has to be explicitly indicated for a membership category to exist for that category.
Before submitting your application for AFSA membership, please note that the following will be required during the application process:
- The AFSA membership category for which you want to apply.
- Confirmation that you agree to abide by the AFSA Code of Conduct
- Confirmation that you agree to abide by the AFSA Constitution
- PDF copies of the following documents:
- Full membership applications
- Your credentials (highest degree), OR
- Proof of a minimum of 5 years work experience in our field
- Student membership
- Proof of current registration with a recognised academic institution in your country, in an applicable field
- Full membership applications
- Please direct enquiries to: [email protected]
AFSA Membership Categories
Apply for the membership category that is appropriate for you. Membership categories that are in green can be applied for, the others are bestowed on individuals/institutions by AFSA.
Please take note of the AFSA Constitution and Code of Conduct before signing up for membership, as all members have to abide by these documents.

Full Member
To apply for membership in this category the applicant already has/are:
- Credentials in forensic science
- A Qualification: graduate or post-graduate qualification, thus education or training in forensic science or equivalent OR
- Work experience in forensic science alone (minimum 5 years)
- Works within or outside Africa, but is African
- Non-Africans but providing a verifiable forensic sciences service in Africa
- Can be an office bearer in AFSA
- Pay an annual membership fee, currently set at 50 USD
- Has a vote in AFSA, full members have 1 vote each

Associate Member
To apply for membership in this category the applicant already has/are:
Non forensic scientists
- Working to promote forensic science
- E.g. legal professionals, law enforcement officers
- Forensic scientists who are not African
- Professionals who do not practice forensic science
- Non-African origin professionals practicing forensic science in a forensic institution in Africa
- Cannot be an office bearer in AFSA
- Membership fee currently set at 30 USD
- Has no vote in AFSA

Student Member
To apply for membership in this category the applicant already has/are:
- African forensic science students studying in Africa or outside Africa
- Non-African students studying forensic science in Africa
- Are in training (e.g. work based and medical residency) in forensic programmes or relevant forensic science institutions in Africa.
- Pay an annual membership fee, currently set at 10 USD
- Has no vote in AFSA

Affiliate Member
This category of membership is reserved for organisations and are not open to individuals. Â
To apply for membership in this category the applicant already is:
- An organisation located within or outside of Africa that promotes forensic sciences in Africa
- Do not pay membership
- Has not vote in AFSA

Honorary Member
Members cannot apply for this category of membership, as it is nominated by the Board of AFSA. Individuals who may qualify for this category of membership are:
- Recognised advocates of AFSA
- Reputable individuals that promote or support forensic science activities
- Nominated and approved by board
- No membership fee is due
- Has no vote in AFSA

Founding Members of AFSA
Founding members of AFSA are recognised as the group of individuals that were present at the founding meeting of AFSA in December 2022 and who voted in agreement to the founding of AFSA.