African Forensic Sciences Academy

AFSA Refund Policy

AFSA Refund Policy

The African Forensic Sciences Academy (AFSA) is committed to providing a fair and transparent refund policy for its members and clients. This policy outlines the circumstances under which a refund may be granted for payments already made to AFSA, and reflected in the AFSA bank account.

Fundamental Rules that Apply to all aspects of this policy: 

  1. Rule 1: Payments are only considered to be paid to AFSA once it reflects in the official AFSA bank account(s). 
  2. Rule 2: A minimum of 5% administration fee is levied on all refunds by AFSA to cover internal costs for processing the refund.  If the administration costs exceed 5%, the full cost to AFSA will be considered as the administrative fee.
Refundable Payments
  1. Membership Fees
    1. Full Refund
      1. If a membership application is rejected by AFSA a full refund will be processed (keep Rules 1 & 2 in mind).
    2. Pro Rata Refund
      • If a member resigns from AFSA within their membership year due to whatever reason the resignation date is the date on which such resignation is received at AFSA.
      • The refund amount will be based on the remaining whole months left in their membership term. Other unused benefits (if applicable) are not refunded.
  2. Event Fees
    1. AFSA events will state when a payee is eligible for a refund, with the payment dates and deadlines for the applicable categories of refunds.
    2. Full Refund
      1. If the event is canceled by AFSA a full refund (100%) will be effected by AFSA (bank and other fees on the side of the recipient are not refunded by AFSA.
    3. Partial Refund
      1. If a delegate register for an event and are unable to attend, a refund will be issued based on the following schedule, unless specified otherwise for the particular event:
        • A 95% (100% minus 5% Administration Fee) refund for cancellations made at the stated date schedule of the event, otherwise at least 60 days before the event.
        • A 45% (50% minus 5% Administration Fee) refund for cancellations made at the stated date schedule of the event, otherwise at least 30 days before the event.
    4. No Refund
      1. 0% Refund: Cancellations made less than 30 days prior to the event.
      2. No-shows, where there is a failure to attend the event.
        • Note that if payments e.g. “pay onsite at event” were selected during registration, the registrant remains liable for the said registration fee, regardless of whether they show up for the event or not.
  3. Overpayments
    1. Any amount paid in excess of the required fee will be considered a donation to AFSA.
    2. Exception
      1. If you accidentally pay more than the required fee and contact AFSA within 14 days of the payment, a full refund for the overpayment will be issued, minus a 5% administration fee.
Non-Refundable Payments
  1. Donations to AFSA are final and will not be refunded in full or in part.
  2. Refunds will not be granted for banking fees associated with payments made to AFSA.
  3. Refunds are not applicable for events or other cases where it is clearly stated that no refund applies.
Requesting a Refund

See below which process to follow for a particular category for which a refund is requested.

  1. Processing time
    1. Refunds will be processed within 30 calendar days of receiving a request. The refunded amount will only be paid back via the original payment method used to the original account from which said payment was made.
  2. Membership fee payments
    1. To request a refund, please contact the AFSA membership department by email at [email protected]. In your email, please include the following information:
      1. Your full name and SURNAME
      2. Your membership number (if applicable, thus already assigned)
      3. The reason for your refund request
    2. Contact AFSA
      1. If you have any questions about this refund policy, please do not hesitate to contact the AFSA membership department at [email protected]
  3. Event payments
    1. To request a refund, please contact the AFSA Office by email at [email protected]
  4. Other payments
    1. To request a refund, please contact the AFSA Office by email at [email protected]