About AFSA
The African Forensic Sciences Academy (AFSA) represents the interests of its members, who practice in the forensic sciences field.
AFSA Vision
To be the leader in promoting excellence and integrity in forensic science in Africa
AFSA Mission
- Promote evidence based, innovative and multi-disciplinary forensic sciences practice.
- Promote relevant and impactful research.
- Disseminate forensic science knowledge among the practitioners and institutions in Africa.
- Develop appropriate standards and guidelines.
- Promote collaboration, partnership, and training in forensic sciences.
AFSA Core Values
- Excellence
- Transparency
- Integrity and ethical practice
- Independence and impartiality
- Inclusion, diversity, and equality
Independence and Impartiality
Empowering Forensic Sciences practitioners to make decisions without outside influence, in complete independence. Being aware of human limits such as cognitive biases, but manage our limitations within the scope of our work to attain impartiality and independence whilst disclosing potential conflicts of interest.
Integrity and Ethical Practice
Adherence to global ethical values, professionalism, and honesty, transparency, and accountability as well as to professionalism, honesty, and respect of the highest ethical standards in circumstances related to forensic cases as well as testimonies and advocacies related to Forensic Sciences as a cause or as an outcome.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Striving towards an inclusive approach to all forensic sciences practitioners to be fulfilled through the diversity of skills, experience, backgrounds, and perspectives without any distinction whatever its source.
Adherence to scientific rigor, continuous improvement, critical appraisal, standardisation, and certification of practices as well as all aspects of scientific-based and research-based approaches in Forensic Sciences.
Remaining accountable to all its members and to the community regarding its operations, in line with Integrity and Ethical practice. Building a culture of proactive intentional declaration among Forensic Sciences practitioners.
Why Choose AFSA?
AFSA is the only body that represents all fields from the forensic sciences bringing together professionals from across Africa.
AFSA is uniquely positioned to enhance and support forensic science practice across Africa. We aim to accomplish this together with our colleagues from around the globe.
We aim to establish a functional executive structure that can serve AFSA well into the future. To this end an Interim Executive (IE) was elected by the Founding Members of AFSA. The IE will establish AFSA legally and put in place functional instruments with which AFSA can serve its members.
This website is one example of how AFSA will communicate with its stakeholders over time. We also plan to deploy other social media and digital tools to enhance communication. If you want to stay informed about what is happening at AFSA as we evolve, please sign up to our newsletter with this link
During the first year AFSA will launch a membership campaign to create awareness and introduce the Academy to its stakeholders, especially its potential members. If you wish to join AFSA please use this LINK.
You can help AFSA to grow by assisting AFSA to “spread the word”. Please make your colleagues and other forensic science stakeholders in your network aware of AFSA.
We will launch the first online event of AFSA soon and look forward to sharing more with you about future events. View Our Events